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A Moment of Science (AMOS)
Two-minute radio broadcasts covering everyday science topics, especially those that are "wow, that's neat" types. Each script for A Moment of Science is checked by a scientist in the appropriate field.

Keyword Results for
this URL
1 water diet 2 10
2 who invented eyeglasses 1 1
3 airplane contrails 1 1
4 infants sense of smell 1 1
5 location of north star 1 1
6 why is my throat sore 1 1
7 calories in high fructose corn syrup 1 1
8 running and calories 1 1
9 how do paper towels absorb water 1 2
10 when do bananas go bad 1 1
11 coffee vs tea 1 1
12 water and diet 1 1
13 can water reduce bloating 1 1
14 motion sickness bracelet 1 1
15 history of performance enhancers 1 1
16 circle around moon 1 2
17 how do you reduce split ends 1 1