homesteading, self reliance, self sufficiency, country living, how-to, alternative energy

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  • #armedamerican #tcot LISTEN TO GRPC 2014 - In recent blog entries here, I touched on the two days of the Gun Rig...
  • LISTEN TO GRPC 2014:
  • Here are 10 tips for homeschooling your children.
  • Start a self-sufficiency garden even in a cramped apartment by Nancy Wolcott
  • My get home bag got mentioned by Claire Wolf: That's... kind of awesome.
  • RT @PrepperChicks: Commonsense preparedness just makes sense by Jackie Clay
  • Commonsense preparedness just makes sense by Jackie Clay
  • How big a gun do you need? #GunRights #SecondAmendment #SelfDefense
  • Build your own solar-powered water pumping station by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM
  • Build your own solar-powered water pumping station by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM.
  • 10 day survival pack for your vehicle for just $25 by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM
  • Why you need to add solar to your emergency power backup plans 10/10/14
  • Wonderful wine recipes