Studies on the whole range of behaving organisms, including plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, and humans, using ecological and evolutionary processes to explain the occurrence and adaptive significance of behavior patterns.

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  • MT Dusky-footed Wood Rats use California bay leaves to control fleas, 1995 study from Sonoma County @JRWildlife
  • The woodrats use California bay leaves in their houses to control fleas
  • Socioecology, not cognition, predicts male coalitions across primates (Bissonnette et al.):
  • RT @LukeHolman_Evo: One more new paper: Conditional helping and evolutionary transitions to eusociality and cooperative breeding
  • One more new paper: Conditional helping and evolutionary transitions to eusociality and cooperative breeding
  • To be a Worker bee or a Queen bee? investigates the puzzle of non-reproductive helpers.
  • Why do birds sing in the morning? & why is this tuneful alarm clock getting earlier? #upbeforethesun