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Everyone Who's Anyone in Adult Trade Publishing
A free online directory of almost 2,000 of the top literary agents, editors and publishers of adult trade books in the US, UK and Canada, including e-mail addresses and websites.

Keyword Results for
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1 zanuck passon and pace talent agency 2 2
2 chris wallace foxnews.com 1 1
3 horseshoe bay productions 1 1
4 metropolitan talent agency 1 2
5 ken sherman & associates 1 1
6 jeff frasco for creative artist agency 1 1
7 hollywood creative directory 57th edition 1 1
8 gershla 1 1
9 suite-a management lloyd robinson 1 1
10 david styne marisa 1 1
11 kelly thornton innovative artists 1 1
12 hillard elkins clients 1 1
13 amsel eisenstadt 1 2
14 sharon kemp talent agency 1 1
15 jamie fox.com 1 3
16 peter lampack 1 1
17 www.reecehalseynorth.com 1 1
18 focus features assistant v.p production 1 1
19 pac west talent agency 1 1
20 lippincott massie mcquilkin 1 1
21 ike williams literary agent 1 4
22 anyone whos anyone.com 1 1
23 b.j. robbins 1 1
24 frank langfitt npr reporter 1 1