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  • RT @Invisible: On Friday morning, a man and a teenage girl returned from the #LRA after years in captivity. #CelebrateEverything
  • On Friday morning, a man and a teenage girl returned from the #LRA after years in captivity. #CelebrateEverything
  • RT @Invisible: We know where #Kony is hiding, and his arrest is long overdue. Tell 10 leaders to bring him to justice #KonyinKingi → http:/…
  • RT @annettecjames: This bad guy has to be stopped and you can help!
  • Porque Kony comenzó con el reclutamiento de menores?
  • RT @Invisible: Excited for the premiere of #Mockingjay? Consider what #TheHungerGames teaches us about human goodness-->
  • Conflict Overview via @invisible
  • Excited for the premiere of #Mockingjay? Consider what #TheHungerGames teaches us about human goodness-->
  • "Any struggle worth fighting for is both a march and a dance." #RVA will dance for education in Uganda. Join us -
  • RT @Invisible: #Kony's arrest is long overdue. Tweet at these world leaders & tell them it's time to act -->
  • RT @seancpoole: The LRA is using Ivory and minerals to fuel their violence and that of Sudan and Seleka. New report from @Invisible
  • Joseph Kony's LRA collects and sells precious minerals and ivory as a means to sustain itself
  • The LRA is using Ivory and minerals to fuel their violence and that of Sudan and Seleka. New report from @Invisible
  • Invisible Children does more than just track Kony. Click here to learn more. via @invisible
  • Dear @SenCarlLevin, please strengthen efforts to find/arrest #Kony & end #LRA violence. Here's how: #KonyinKingi
  • Dear @SenatorDurbin, please strengthen efforts to find/arrest #Kony & end #LRA violence. Here's how: #KonyinKingi
  • Dear @USRepRodney, please strengthen efforts to find/arrest #Kony & end #LRA violence. Here's how: #KonyinKingi
  • Dear @BuckMcKeon please strengthen efforts to find/arrest #Kony & end #LRA violence. Here's how: #KonyinKingi
  • Mr. Bathily, @UNOCA_NEWS plz urge the @UN to help end Kony's impunity & stop #LRA violence. Here's how: #KonyinKingi
  • Lt. Gen Tuwei, @AU_PSD please close off Kony's safe haven & end #LRA violence. Here's how: #KonyinKingi
  • Gen. Rodriguez @USAfricaCommand, plz strengthen efforts to arrest #Kony & end #LRA violence. Here's how: #KonyinKingi
  • Amb Thomas-Greenfield @StateAfrica plz urge the @UN & AU to end Kony's impunity & stop #LRA violence. #KonyInKingi
  • RT @Invisible: We know the #LRA uses child soldiers to fill its ranks - but why? Find out today on the blog-->
  • At Madelyns we care!! Help Danielle reach her fundraising goal until the end of December!!! Watch for the...
  • a reminder, of what is still going on, and what still needs awareness... so appreciative and grateful for my life.
  • Just had a huge donation of $100 to my fundraising page! Now is the time, people!@jasonrussell #Legacy
  • @j_chatterton ...and of course Invisible Children
  • We know the #LRA uses child soldiers to fill its ranks - but why? Find out today on the blog-->
  • @Lonemercenari here's the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid
  • RT @Invisible: "19 things to give up in your 20s." Read it, love it, live by it-->
  • Things to Stop Doing in Your Twenties. great list
  • 19 things to stop doing in your 20s via @invisible
  • RT @sarahaub2: @HandsOnRVA please help spread the word about #HeartBeatsDM fundraiser happening in #RVA!
  • 19 things to stop doing in your 20s - got to start working on it via @invisible
  • RT @IAPF: The Lord's Resistance Army poaches elephants to survive
  • 19 things to stop doing in your 20s via @invisible. this is incredible. 😅🙌
  • This was a very helpful read...
  • So much truth here. Take a moment to check it out.
  • RT @Invisible: 89% of LRA returnees say our "Come Home" messages influenced their decision to escape-->
  • 89% of LRA returnees say our "Come Home" messages influenced their decision to escape-->
  • 19 things to stop doing in your 20s | Invisible Children
  • Solid, refreshing advice: "19 Things to Stop Doing in Your 20s" via @invisible
  • RT @you_know_coco: 19 things to stop doing in your 20s via @invisible
  • 19 things to stop doing in your 20s
  • @RichmondGrid please help spread the word about #HeartBeatsDM fundraiser happening in #RVA!
  • RT @sarahaub2: @1037Play please help spread the word about #HeartBeatsDM fundraiser happening in #RVA!
  • RT @Invisible: "March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in." -Mandy Hale -->
  • A wonderful read for today (or any day) by @theburiedlife on the @Invisible blog
  • An incredible bucket list from The Buried Life on how to make your 20s matter. Read it, love it, live by it: