Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project
Presents historical materials from Abraham Lincoln's Illinois years (1830-1861), including Lincoln's writings and speeches, as well as other materials relating to antebellum Illinois. Produced by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project for students and scholars.

Queries for lincoln.lib.niu.edu

Query User
1860 presidential campaign posters entered by user 3556780
abraham lincoln entered by user 6975225
abraham lincoln entered by user 4296792
abraham lincoln entered by user 4510139
abraham lincoln entered by user 8067806
black hawk war of 1832 entered by user 1890804
black hawk war of 1832 entered by user ditto
civil war debated with lincoln slavery issue during senate races entered by user 10563936
jessie fremont entered by user 11707972
kansas-nebraska act entered by user 18261819
lincoln douglas entered by user 2262517
lincoln douglas debates entered by user 54334
lincoln douglas debates entered by user ditto
lincoln presidential posters entered by user 3556780
lincoln-douglas debates entered by user 11240509
the united states in 1850 entered by user 12129308
where did lincoln die entered by user 1960500
www.lincoln.lib.niu.edu entered by user 694145