Liz Ditz's perspectives on parenting, learning disabilities, and early childhood education.

Tweets about

  • @ElizabethMcCra2 @PBS why Ms. @GingerTaylor 's list doesn't show vaccines cause autism: #vaccinesNOVA
  • @TMRProf study off point: debunked Hewitson baby monkey studiy not speak to duration of Hep B vaccine. #hearthiswell
  • @TMRProf ?? study of baby monkeys that does not say children at greater risk of Hep B. #vaccinesNOVA & debunked:
  • @VaccineXchange Ginger Taylor's debunked list doesn't show vax cause autism: #vaccinesNOVA they don't. #hearthiswell
  • @aspiesmom Take a good hard look at this. Correlation doesn't equal causation.
  • @vaccidemic @lizditz @EveryChildBy2 how reliable is Attkisson's article? Not at all. #vaccinesNOVA
  • @SLarian Here are some responses to the Gallagher study: @StillAmJennifer