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  • Photo: ~Make each day an adventure. Accept every day as a challenge~
  • ~Make each day an adventure. Accept every day as a challenge~ #Ganesha
  • RT @lotusxta: 15 Mantras for Appeasing Hindu Goddess Saraswati via @lotussculpture
  • どうもブランコ(swing)は、ヒンズー教では儀式に使われるようですね…。
  • Photo: New arrivals are in just on time for a Namaste filled Holiday Season. 
  • ~Namaste~
  • If you’re gonna be a god, at least, have a practical purpose. Hindus seem to know this. Ganesh is the remover of...
  • 7 foot standing #Ganesha in progress. The possibilities are unknown, and that my friends is a beautiful thing.
  • ~The lives of others are affected by your existence, make it count and all will be well~