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The Math Forum @ Drexel University
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1 pi 25 229
2 math 16 410
3 linear foot 5 9
4 dr. math 5 7
5 tessellations 5 26
6 tessellation 5 13
7 prime numbers 4 36
8 math questions 4 7
9 polygons 4 35
10 ask 4 3,474
11 oriental rugs 3 31
12 magic squares 3 6
13 dr.math 3 5
14 dr math 3 5
15 spreadsheets 3 25
16 geometry 3 112
17 the math forum 3 3
18 volume of a cylinder 2 18
19 math help 2 155
20 ncsm 2 2
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23 how to find square footage 2 2
24 how to read military time 2 4
25 elementary geometry 2 2
26 pascal's triangle 2 21
27 make a dollar out of 25 coins 2 2
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31 quadrilateral 2 25
32 rational numbers 2 5
33 negative number math problems 2 2
34 value of pi 2 2
35 how many millimeters in an inch 2 3
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67 basic algebra help 1 2
68 dependent events in math' 1 1
69 how long does it take to make ice 1 1
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71 reading nomographs 1 1
72 definition of a right trapezoid 1 1
73 find the coordinates of the other endpoint of that diameter 1 1
74 array of dots 1 1
75 puzzles triangles and circles 1 1
76 dividing decimals into percentage 1 1
77 how much would you weight on mars 1 1
78 fluid dynamics math and weather 1 1
79 a decimal for 5 10 1 1
80 how many teaspoons in a cup 1 1
81 creating the orthocenter 1 1
82 combinations math 1 1
83 percentage converted to fractions 1 1
84 how to find the degree of a polynomial 1 1
85 real life examples of parabolas 1 1
86 when do you use area and perimeter in math 1 1
87 history of geometry 1 9
88 dice and card probability calculator 1 1
89 math phobias 1 1
90 math words and their definitions 1 1
91 reading a ruler in millimeters 1 1
92 what does a polygon look like 1 1
93 how many centimeters equal an inch 1 1
94 internet scavenger hunt 1 1
95 the meaning behind 1 1 2 1 1
96 math bar graphic 1 1
97 radius and area using pi 3.14 1 1
98 how to squre root a problem 1 1
99 time distance speed calculations 1 1
100 1st grade math handouts 1 1