Microbiology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada
This site contains data on antimicrobial resistance in Canada, the incidence of serious disease due to Streptococcus pneumoniae and group A streptococcus, sample clinical microbiology lab manuals, and microbiology and infectious diseases information for professionals and the public.

Query User
c-difficle entered by user 7436465
fever and headache entered by user 3495721
general hospital of quebec city entered by user 3346197
group a streptococcus entered by user 10111769
group b strep in adults entered by user 3346197
manitol salt agar entered by user 1919972
microbiology laboratory entered by user 12562916
norwalk virus canada entered by user 378604
protocol for making manitol salt agar entered by user 1919972
swarming proteus entered by user 4434478