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Tweets about

  • Why do Sunday newspapers cost so much?
  • Drop newspaper prices to get young readers back, says @newsosaur - but that ASSUMES price was the reason they left.
  • RT @spj_tweets: Reflections of a Newsosaur: Why do Sunday newspapers cost so much? |
  • Reflections of a Newsosaur: Why do Sunday newspapers cost so much? |
  • Why do Sunday newspapers cost so much?
  • Reflections of a Newsosaur: Why do Sunday newspapers cost so much?
  • Hey, youngblood. Would you buy a Sunday paper if it were cheaper? #j2beats
  • Smart: The Newsosaur recommends dropping prices for Sunday paper to attract young readers
  • Why do Sunday newspapers cost so much?
  • A "mini focus group' report: "I still don’t see why anyone would spend that kind of money on a newspaper.”
  • Why do Sunday newspapers cost so much? #journalism