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Tweets about

  • @basilesimon @pudo @jmm What are you after? Something like can do wonders. We built @RepublicratsBot in a day
  • I presume you mean something other than NLTK? I'd just start with this chapter: Core of the thing
  • Python による日本語自然言語処理
  • Possible haskell nlproc starter project might be to send lots of nlp-scores patches, match nltk.metrics
  • Possible #haskell #nlproc starter project might be to send @gchrupala lots of nlp-scores patches, match nltk.metrics
  • @_MagicMissile_ I presume you mean something other than NLTK? I'd just start with this chapter: Core of the thing
  • をまず読むとよいと思います。「入門自然言語処理」は PDF 版も購入可能ですが、まず無料で読めるところを読んでからでいいかなと…。あとはデジタル人工知能学事典の自然言語処理の章が、コンパクトにまとまっていてよいです
  • currently reading: part-of-speech tagging with python's nltk