Aims to educate parents about cord blood medical research and the storage options. Includes details of public and private banks around the world.
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  • RT @ViaCord: Why red blood cells should be removed before cord blood storage: via @ParentCordBlood #cordblood #stem…
  • Why red blood cells should be removed before cord blood storage: via @ParentCordBlood #cordblood #stemcells
  • @katmeowthy Cord blood is left in the umbilical cord after the birth of a baby and it holds lots of stem cells
  • Who monitors global cord blood marketplace, updated for over a decade? Only Parent's Guide!
  • الخلايا الجذعية في الحبل السري وعلاجها للثلاسيميا. لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء الاتصال على الأرقام التالية :...