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Query User
11 mm endometrial lining entered by user 171509
5 mm nodular density in lung apex entered by user 8283559
abnormal echogenicity of the liver with granular echotexture entered by user 2231265
abnormal echogenicity of the liver with granular echotexture entered by user ditto
abnormal signal intensity adjacent to interhemispheric falx entered by user 5103494
adrenal hemorrhage entered by user 2435949
ampullary tumor entered by user 3956242
architectural distortion entered by user 6043514
arthur selvan entered by user 23114852
asymmetric parenchymal entered by user 5297343
atypical ductal hyperplasia with micropapillary features entered by user 874233
atypical hemangioma entered by user 7054061
autopsy adrenal corticomedullary junction entered by user 6335630
benign colonic mucosa compatible with prominent mucosal folds entered by user 14303722
best hosp for pancreatic entered by user 1911026
bone contusion entered by user 6914608
brachytherapy cervical cancer entered by user 9080466
breast cancer with mediastinal nodes entered by user 1817436
breast microcalcifications entered by user 5453848
breast microcalcifications entered by user 11967351
breast nodularity at a posterior depth entered by user 3005267
buckle fracture of metacarpal entered by user 2976906
calcaneodynia entered by user 2122680
calcification in female breasts entered by user 4248339
cervical neck prosthetic entered by user 5342598
cervix soft entered by user 729078
cholesterol granuloma causes and cure entered by user 3805613
chronic hip muscle pain entered by user 6894776
chronic thrombosis entered by user 1923743
collapse of scar tissue in talus entered by user 3479665
color doppler images of aortic stenosis due to bicuspid valve entered by user 6274959
contusion of the bone entered by user 13920557
ct performance standard dose entered by user 2658585
ct scan abdominal wall for rectus diastasis after reconstruction entered by user 554157
ct size criteria for pathological adenopathy entered by user 307760
cystoscopy with bilateral stent placement entered by user 8375377
difference between ct and mri scan of biliary system entered by user 3099806
differential diagnosis fifth toe sesamoiditis entered by user 3289429
differential diagnosis metatarsal head pain entered by user ditto
distal ureter entered by user 4099662
drug induced lung disorder mimic emphysema entered by user 2303073
echogenicity entered by user 1752057
edematous os trigonum entered by user 11321138
epithelial inclusion cyst vaginal entered by user 69314
eran ben-levi md entered by user 1109238
esophagus thickening entered by user 6056291
fatty masses entered by user 7962598
fetus with enlarged kidneys entered by user 15111224
filling defects in the cecum entered by user 4803668
filling defects in the cecum entered by user ditto
flower xray art entered by user 2432392
fluid distending the sheath of the flexor hallucis longus tendon entered by user 8516307
fluid in supraclavicular area entered by user 7027383
focal nodular hyperplasia treatment pregnancy entered by user 1394405
full ovaries entered by user 12752959
gentamycin and risk for renal failure entered by user 384245
greatly enlarged lymph nodes entered by user 1817436
groin anatomy entered by user 16432891
heterogeneous 3.4 cm solid nodule entered by user 939937
hip joint infection and cutaneous fistulas entered by user 11275137
hip pain entered by user 3084147
homogeneous echogenicity entered by user 224830
hyperechoic entered by user 934042
hypoattenuating lesion phleboliths entered by user 10148546
hypoattenuating lesion phleboliths ovary entered by user ditto
image of severe face swelling in child entered by user 2458214
image of severe face swelling in child entered by user ditto
inferior osteophyte formation at the acromioclavicular joint entered by user 10174913
infiltrative lesion entered by user 195658
injuries to lateral gastrocnemius entered by user 2482035
intravenous urography entered by user 3837693
is this area of posterior acoustic shadowing breast cancer entered by user 15057624
jaundice in infants entered by user 9242115
knee medial retinaculum entered by user 2497084
large osteophyte entered by user 17343389
leaking of feces from the vagina or urethra entered by user 699537
left lung lobe entered by user 15173394
left renal cyst entered by user 189493
leiomyomas and fever entered by user 3023164
leukodystrophy of unknown cause entered by user 14160138
linear echogenic septation entered by user 122357
liver lesion entered by user 6374030
liver tumors benign entered by user 2319082
living 20 without 20a 20 stomach entered by user 5144903
lumps in veins arteries around the head entered by user 4499149
male breast disease entered by user 3517458
male cyst breast entered by user 6520900
malignant ca of lymph node neck entered by user 1536710
masses on the liver entered by user 15150810
mesocolon entered by user 27231
mild biapical pleural thickening. entered by user 4626008
minimal uptake seen to post-surgical scar entered by user 2470951
moderately enhancing breast lesion entered by user 2220271
motor vehicle accidents and inguinal hernia injuries entered by user 5380103
motor vehicle accidents and inguinal hernia injuries entered by user ditto
mr arthrography entered by user 15646013
neurogenic tumor entered by user 1802429
nonhomogeneous of the metacarpal entered by user 14732379
nonhomogeneous of the metacarpal entered by user ditto
nonhomogeneous of the second metacarpal entered by user ditto