Alameda County Medical Center
Health care organization includes two hospitals and five clinics in locations throughout the county. Site describes their many general and specialized services.

Queries for

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alameda county medical center oakland entered by user 2255468
alameda hospital entered by user 13462361
alameda hospital entered by user ditto
california highland hospital entered by user 6736872
california oral and maxillofacial entered by user 4934090
fairmont hospital entered by user 14162157
highland hospital entered by user 7135658
highland hospital entered by user 15470124
highland hospital entered by user ditto
highland hospital i oakland ca entered by user 3374299
highland hospital in oakland ca entered by user ditto
highland hospital oakland entered by user 7135658
highland hospital oakland entered by user ditto
highland hospital oakland entered by user 4343007
management of assaultive behavior certification entered by user 3269359
oral surgery volunteers entered by user 10420193
www.highland hospital entered by user 14162157