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Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities explains its investigation of the remains of 1607 Jamestown, Virginia. History, discoveries, publications, visitor information.

Keyword Results for
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1 pocahontas 18 85
2 jamestown 15 55
3 john smith 4 24
4 jamestown virginia 4 12
5 apva 3 3
6 events in history of virginia 1 1
7 www.apva.org 1 2
8 capt.john smith 1 1
9 john rolfe 1 18
10 colonial tools 1 1
11 captain john smith 1 8
12 history of jamestown 1 3
13 history of virginia in a time line 1 1
14 www.john smith history. com 1 1
15 the history of tobacco in va 1 1
16 pocahontas powhatan 1 1
17 rolfe 1 1
18 when is the tax sale in danville virginia 1 2
19 john smith and pochahontas 1 1
20 history 1590 - 1613 1 1
21 jamestown virginia pocahontas 1 1
22 jamestown island 1 1
23 pocahantas 1 11
24 pochahontas and john smith 1 1
25 original settlers 1 1
26 jamestown colony 1 2