Queries for www.arkansasnews.com

Query User
academics are more important than high school athletics entered by user 8647438
academics plus charter school entered by user 3607410
academics plus charter school entered by user ditto
apac arkansas entered by user 13079704
arkansa criminal indictments entered by user 3464724
arkansas dept of insurance- governor appoints director of insurance entered by user 15849829
arkansas hunting license entered by user 868295
arkansas hunting season entered by user 2887924
arkansas minimum wage increase entered by user 12468969
arkansas minimum wage increase entered by user ditto
arkansas news entered by user 1155177
arkansas news entered by user ditto
arkansas news entered by user 2878666
arkansas smoking law entered by user 4072118
arkansas smoking law entered by user ditto
arkansas smoking law entered by user ditto
arkansasnews entered by user 353625
brent beauchamp entered by user 7862811
byrd cookie coupon entered by user 3356435
castle doctrine law entered by user 4901065
council candidate expecting a child entered by user 721022
dillard's department store - brighton handbags entered by user 7962320
duggar tv special entered by user 5513405
federal government lodges entered by user 8956688
fort smith prison entered by user 3791272
home bank arkansas allison entered by user 2785385
home bank arkansas allison entered by user ditto
ivory-billed 2006 entered by user 1429928
magnolia arkansas future land use plan entered by user 11747243
minimum wage increase entered by user 17833308
natural gas arkansas entered by user 2785385
new arkansas smoking law entered by user 5177552
new arkansas smoking law entered by user ditto
pearl senior care entered by user 7439971
political cartoons of rockefeller entered by user 6062400
the duggar family entered by user 1900405
uapb entered by user 2845330
ulysses reed entered by user 1947991
van buren arkansas news entered by user 8239999
waldron news entered by user 3392165