Resource for boxers, trainers, managers and promoters to arrange competitive bouts.

Queries for

Query User
boxer record entered by user 7614144
contract example entered by user 1583541
kostya tszyu is seeking a rematch with ricky hatton entered by user 15834802
kostya tszyu is seeking a rematch with ricky hatton entered by user ditto
kostya tszyu will he fight again entered by user ditto
lafontsee entered by user 3966984
lafontsee entered by user ditto
oscar dela hoya and mayorga and press conference entered by user 707355
sonny liston entered by user 17494791
sonny liston entered by user 17575826
sonny liston death entered by user 280038
sonny liston death entered by user ditto
thomas hansvoll entered by user 2959636
wood chopping boxing training entered by user 7614144