California Native International Adventures
Since 1983, The California Native has been taking adventurous people on exciting trips through Mexico's Copper Canyon and Costa Rica, as well as Other Exciting Destinations around the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and here in North America.

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chilean pisco entered by user 3062663
copper canyon mexico entered by user 5309327
copper canyon mexico entered by user 191719
copper canyon mexico tour entered by user 1063099
jesus christ lizards entered by user 4442612
lizards that walk entered by user ditto
pancho villa entered by user 5373025
pancho villa entered by user 4220385
pancho villa entered by user 16607447
pancho villa entered by user 2509654
pancho villa entered by user 15254503
pancho villa entered by user 412723
pancho villa entered by user 4545300
pisco entered by user 1181346
the father of mexico entered by user 1696861
the tarahumara tribe of northern mexico entered by user 4206444