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CanticaNOVA Publications
Catholic music publishing firm that specializes in "traditional music for the contemporary Church." Online catalog, liturgical planning pages.

Keyword Results for
this URL
1 music from pope john funeral 1 1
2 music for holy thursday 1 1
3 liturgy planning 1 2
4 hymns sung at pope john funeral 1 1
5 gather hymnal theological errors 1 1
6 pipe organ music 1 4
7 easter trivia 1 6
8 catholic music for lent 1 1
9 antiphon requiem æternam dona ei domine et lux perpetua luceat ei. 1 1
10 canticanova 1 1
11 ash wednesday organ music 1 1
12 index to hymn preludes 1 1
13 hear funeral hymns from pope johns funeral 1 1