City High Runs
Roster, schedule, results, school records, history and team information for City High School track and cross country.

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cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto
cityhighruns entered by user ditto