Coptic Church Network
Includes detailed information on Coptic Church such as its history, dogmas, liturgies, saints. Also includes a directory of Coptic Churches in the United States.

Queries for

Query User
am coptic entered by user 10627989
confirmation sayings entered by user 13313707
confirmation sayings entered by user 3086171
coptic entered by user 9743960
coptic church us entered by user 4134553
coptic entered by user 5071235
coptic orthodox entered by user 7518840
coptic orthodox church entered by user 2363237
fire in the sacraments entered by user 2623671
meaning of holy eucharist entered by user 1031958
meaning of the trinity entered by user 377340
orthodox church entered by user 3711512
saint alexandra entered by user 1524276
saint sarah entered by user 22494198
st. barbara martyr entered by user 3688777
st. mary of egypt entered by user 13188633
the sacrament of eucharist entered by user 1031958 entered by user 3499209 entered by user 5658267