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National Institute on Drug Abuse
The mission of NIDA is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.

Keyword Results for
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1 steriods 5 85
2 pcp 4 46
3 inhalant abuse and the pituitary 2 2
4 buprenorphine 2 27
5 ghb 2 31
6 effects of heroin 2 2
7 heroin 2 102
8 parents need to know about drugs 1 1
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10 ethical substance abuse treatment 1 1
11 where do steroids come from 1 1
12 drug abuse info 1 1
13 back pain and drug abuse 1 1
14 am i overmedicated on antihypertensives 1 1
15 drugabuse 1 2
16 epidemiologic trend in drug abuse advance report june 2001 1 1
17 steroids and students 1 2
18 child abuse & trust issues 1 1
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20 cannabis slang 1 1
21 what the different types of alcoholics 1 1
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23 www.depts.washington.edu sdrg 1 2
24 effects of people who inject steriods 1 1
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27 intermediate objective in alcohol abuse 1 1
28 what causes drug use 1 1
29 hiv related lung issues 1 1
30 how much is a gram marijuana 1 1
31 marijuanna research 1 1
32 duration of high in the drug heroin 1 1
33 marijuana 1 668
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36 cocaine 1 245
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38 maternal smoking 1 1
39 development and critical and sensitive and substance abuse 1 1
40 lettieri's risk factors 1 1
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42 drug abuse and disease 1 1
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50 contracting tuberculosis by sharing needles 1 1
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54 dan lettieri and risk factors for drug abuse 1 1
55 nida 1 25
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57 experiences with cocaine 1 1
58 substance abuse facts 1 1
59 african american women attitudes toward unprotected sex 1 1
60 nicotine 1 29
61 cocaine addiction research 1 1
62 work release 1 5
63 medicine for cocaine addiction 1 1
64 addiction to marijuanna 1 1
65 nida.gov 1 4
66 info on drug abuse 1 1
67 what is lsd 1 1
68 activities for brain 1 1
69 counseling substance abuse clients 1 1
70 steroids and high school students 1 2
71 weight training effects on psa 1 1
72 steroid use in teens 1 1
73 hallucinogens 1 14