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Feline Advisory Bureau
Charity devoted to the health and welfare of cats. Contains convention dates, joining details and information sheets plus approved catteries with members comments.

Keyword Results for
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1 feline hiv 3 3
2 hyperthyroidism in cats 2 6
3 what to do if cat stops eating 1 1
4 skin problems with cats 1 1
5 daffodils poisonous pets 1 1
6 signs of liver problems 1 3
7 long haired kittens 1 1
8 normal weight for male cats 1 1
9 feline digestive problems 1 1
10 overweight cats 1 1
11 signs of kidney failure in cats 1 1
12 cats worms pictures 1 1
13 cats diet 1 1
14 toxo in cats what is 1 1
15 treatment of ringworm in cats 1 1
16 feline skin diseases 1 1
17 feline ring worm 1 1
18 feline toxoplasmosis 1 1
19 treatment for ringworm in cats 1 1
20 cats -urinary tract infection 1 1
21 introducing cats to dogs 1 1
22 cat spraying 1 7
23 do all cats carry toxoplasmosis 1 1
24 treatment for blood in cat urine 1 1
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30 feline hyperthyroid heart murmur 1 1
31 how to get a dog use to a kitten 1 1
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33 ring worm cats 1 2
34 how do you tell the difference between male or female feline 1 1
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56 feline unable to defecate 1 2
57 cats - fleas 1 1
58 cats with cancer 1 3
59 feline 1 8
60 cat dehydrated 1 1
61 feline skin lesions 1 1
62 introducing new cats 1 1
63 cat diabetes vomiting 1 1