GFS Chemicals
Fine and specialty chemical manufacturer. Core products include perchloric acid and its salts, ACS reagents, inorganic salts and solutions, organic stains, dyes and indicators (phenanthrolines and bipyridines), rare earth salts and solutions, PPB and PPT trace metal grade acids, and pyridine-free KF reagents.

Queries for

Query User
barium titanate entered by user 5316652
chloroform catalogs entered by user 12671640
chromium nitrate entered by user 2262550
cresol red entered by user 7392253
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid entered by user 17707757
lithium chloride entered by user 1330676
m-nitrophenol entered by user 7392253
magnesium chloride hexahydrate entered by user 3886880
methanol alcohol entered by user 716337
methyl alcohol entered by user 802319
murexide entered by user 1373166
potassium benzoate entered by user 21241323
potassium benzoate entered by user 6727770