Global Issues : social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect us all \342\200\224 Global Issues
An insight into issues that are often misrepresented in the mainstream media. Issues covered include human rights, trade, poverty the environment, and geopolitics.

Queries for

Query User
2005 poverty facts in the u.s. entered by user 2857901
advertising influence entered by user 2816739
aid donated to countries of the world by america entered by user 9542780
aids epidemic in africa entered by user 2159992
aids graphs for 2005 entered by user 943005
america's foreign aid lists entered by user 9542780
american influence on global health entered by user 516543
cause of corrupted governments in africa entered by user 12161455
causes of poverty entered by user 1698633
causes of poverty entered by user 4903328
causes of poverty entered by user ditto
chart us spending in iraq aid entered by user 9134445
charts and graphs on foreign aid entered by user ditto
charts and graphs on foreign aid entered by user ditto
charts and graphs on foreign aid entered by user ditto
chechnya entered by user 3690040
chechnya russian conflict entered by user 2171032
child poverty statistics entered by user 40815
child soldiers entered by user 177738
chinese invasion of vietnam entered by user 977572
cia media manipulation techniques entered by user 24026828
conflict in africa entered by user 3043194
conflict in africa entered by user 4399404
conflicts in middle east entered by user 9561614
consumerism entered by user 6443507
consumerism entered by user ditto
consumption entered by user 646688
corporate power entered by user 5449050
current issues on israel and palestine entered by user 4607060
death toll of iraq sanctions entered by user 3506407
describe the wars and conflicts in 1920 entered by user 4984043
did people try to leave haiti during papa doc or baby doc leadership entered by user 441014
does global inequality have consequences for the us and other nations entered by user 8410649
education and poverty in 3rd world countries entered by user 6640910
education is way to fight poverty in third world countries entered by user ditto
education is way to fight poverty in third world countries entered by user ditto
effects of global warming on the climate entered by user 1377118
effects of poverty in third world countries entered by user 6640910
environment and economy of nigeria entered by user 1418122
environment issues entered by user 43177
environmental issues entered by user 4611226
environmental issues entered by user 1309421
environmental issues entered by user 8061468
environmental issues entered by user 9339246
environmental issues entered by user 1053808
environmental issues and food biotechnology entered by user 1992511
environmental stress entered by user 22882122
eritrea entered by user 13542437
ethiopia eritrea war entered by user 15670513
ethiopia eritrea war entered by user ditto
financial assistance of us agriculture entered by user 1079240
find people out of country entered by user 9877315
food patents entered by user 2161998
food production and population statistics entered by user 4891964
foreign aid entered by user 1891529
foreign aid charts and graphs entered by user 9134445
foreign aid millenium development entered by user 4140143
foreign aid to all nations entered by user 8286036
free journals on corporate welfare corporate power influence on social welfare entered by user 5449050
free journals on corporate welfare corporate power influence on social welfare entered by user ditto
free trade entered by user 1411796
genetic engineering of food entered by user 3646975
genetically engineered entered by user 5123432
genetically engineered crops entered by user 727394
genetically engineered food entered by user 2004283
genetically engineered food entered by user 727394
genetically engineered food entered by user ditto
genetically engineered food risks entered by user ditto
genetically engineered foods entered by user ditto
genetically modifed food companies entered by user 902447
geopolitics entered by user 6607726
global arms sales to third world countries entered by user 2103997
global dimming entered by user 2425023
global dimming entered by user 15195540
global dimming entered by user 5798382
global economy statistics entered by user 12427567
global environment and poverty 2006 entered by user 4647917
global environmental damage by oil companies entered by user 1537386
global environmental issues entered by user 3800061
global environmental issues entered by user ditto
global issue of water pollution entered by user 8627308
global poverty entered by user 5314347
global warming issues in the middle east entered by user 1991041 entered by user 6029885
globalization and women is it better or worse in what ways entered by user 3157792
health issues in nigeria entered by user 7867156
how much money does the us give to other nations entered by user 8286036
how rich people live their life entered by user 5113213
how we use genetic engineering today entered by user 1264747
human rights haiti entered by user 6205334
information on hunger issues in africa entered by user 3259898
international causes most in need of funds entered by user 2075398
international foreign aid entered by user 4140143
israeli palestinian conflict interviews entered by user 1539133
list of countries receiving financial aid from the usa entered by user 1280669
middle east health issues entered by user 1089789
military power in the world entered by user 2753817
natural disasters in 2005 entered by user 10579606
natural disasters in 2005 entered by user ditto
negative affects in companies with power and politics entered by user 5929879