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Free character education resources for K-12 teachers, coaches, and youth group leaders. Includes discussion questions, writing assignments, learning activities, opportunities for student action, and lots of teacher support materials.

Keyword Results for
this URL
1 character education 4 14
2 character education lesson plans 3 3
3 respect 3 57
4 character counts 2 9
5 feelings 2 10
6 good character 1 2
7 examples of work ethics 1 1
8 the six pillars plays 1 1
9 lessons on bullies 1 3
10 lessons on peer pressure for teens 1 1
11 kids responsibilities 1 1
12 she is one of the pillars of the class what does this mean 1 1
13 activities for building character 1 1
14 video story the three little bears 1 1
15 work ethics 1 8
16 what does integrity mean 1 4
17 respect to each other 1 1
18 socratic method of education 1 1
19 teaching young girls about friendship and self esteem 1 1
20 world without responsibility 1 1
21 peer pressure activity for teens 1 1
22 how to do a report on honesty 1 1
23 anger management exercises for kids 1 1
24 how to deal with anger 1 3
25 character counts lesson plans 1 1
26 don't follow the wrong crowd peer pressure 1 1