Pegfilgrastim ( Neulasta ) from Amgen
Information for patients and doctors about fighting cancer chemotherapy induced neutropenia (white blood cell deficiency) and consequent infections with this medicine.

Queries for

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causes of low white blood cells entered by user 12358176
complete blood counts entered by user 7767604
low blood cell count entered by user 2687562
low white blood cell count entered by user 439084
low white blood cells entered by user 4583652
low white blood cells entered by user 15261464
low white blood count entered by user 642230
low white cell count entered by user 4990587
low white cells entered by user 9729282
neulasta entered by user 10785519
neulasta entered by user 8234292
neulasta entered by user 8460674
neulasta entered by user 2752882
neulasta entered by user 16583332
red blood cell count vs white blood cell count entered by user 2336313
white blood cell causes entered by user 31340
white blood cell count low entered by user 4060262