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New Jersey's premier venue for world-class performing arts, featuring classical music, pop, international dance and theater from around the globe. Located in Newark.

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1 njpac 27 40
2 new jersey performing arts center 16 24
3 njpac.org 13 23
4 new jersey pac 4 4
5 nj pac 4 6
6 www.njpac.com 2 2
7 newark performing art center 1 1
8 new jersey performing arts center in newark 1 1
9 new jersey art center 1 1
10 newjersey performing artscenter 1 1
11 nj theatre 1 3
12 njpac center 1 1
13 newark performing arts center 1 1
14 new jersey performing arts 1 2
15 new jersey & performing arts 1 1
16 www.njpac.org 1 2
17 wwwnjpac.org 1 1