Officer Candidate School (OCS)
Trains, screens, and evaluates officer candidates to ensure that they possess the moral, intellectual, and physical qualities for commissioning and the leadership potential to serve successfully as company grade officers in the operating forces. Includes a letter from the commanding officer, history, scheduled classes, candidate preparation guides, arrival and graduation information, FAQ, and photo archive.

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marines ocs entered by user 1110404
ocs entered by user 23492653
ocs entered by user 8019650
ocs entered by user 1110404
officer candidate school and marines entered by user 7272271
officer candidate school and marines entered by user ditto
officer candidate school template entered by user 12277042
quantico and officer training and application entered by user 7272271
quantico motels entered by user 3627643
quantico ocs entered by user 8254760
quantico ocs entered by user ditto
running 20shoes entered by user 12581807 entered by user 3707834 entered by user ditto