
Weblog covering income taxes, campaign finance and welfare reform, affirmative action, race in the criminal justice system and conservative politics.

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  • Breaking: DC Circuit Vacates Obamacare Decision
  • Ignoring Hamas crimes #NoMasHamas #hamas
  • Strategy by Dilbert
  • #Virtue#Character Cheap Grace, Expensive Suits: Here in this Book the question is real... #CharacterLeader.com
  • RT @dawinship: @dagreb @dsoneil Please advise what coffee shop this is so I can start drinking coffee there.
  • Stephen Hunter: Thoughts on Ferguson
  • RT @SandraAlabama: Jihad works both ways!
  • Jihad works both ways!
  • More Coffee!
  • RT @AlanSou1: Why Renewable Energy Is Hopeless - [T]here is a major problem with these renewable energy sources. Their...
  • Why Renewable Energy Is Hopeless - [T]here is a major problem with these renewable energy sources. Their...
  • RT @GreenNewsDaily: Why Renewable Energy Is Hopeless #green
  • RT @SandraAlabama:
  • @dagreb @dsoneil Please advise what coffee shop this is so I can start drinking coffee there.
  • RT @GreenEnergyInfo: Why Renewable Energy Is Hopeless #green
  • Why Renewable Energy Is Hopeless #green