Saint Francis High School
Sponsored by the Brothers of Holy Cross and known for its three fold emphasis on spiritual development, intellectual development, and social development.

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counseling curriculum entered by user 4839889
counseling curriculum entered by user ditto
jason caragan entered by user 391528
saint francis high school entered by user 8436489
saint francis high school entered by user 4996419
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saint francis high school san jose entered by user 1168227
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sfhs entered by user ditto
sfhs entered by user ditto
sfhs entered by user ditto
sfhs entered by user ditto entered by user 1017719 entered by user 1095235 entered by user ditto entered by user ditto
st .francis high school entered by user 2289897
st francis high school mountain view ca entered by user 3402722
st francis high school mountain view ca entered by user ditto
st francis school san jose entered by user 2620565
st. francis school ca. entered by user 5582488 entered by user 123579