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Hahnemann's Advanced Methods by David Little
This educational site features articles by David Little for serious students and practitioners. Emphasis on the classical homeopathy of Samuel Hahnemann as perfected in the 6th Organon, including liquid dosing, LM potencies and case management.

Keyword Results for
this URL
1 fevers 2 13
2 back injuries 2 8
3 discolored eyes 1 1
4 bee sting symptoms in dogs 1 1
5 what are hemorrhages 1 1
6 coma loss of breathing 1 1
7 coldness in left arm 1 1
8 itching of head in children 1 1
9 throat pain at night 1 1
10 sy-co-sis 1 1
11 fainting with vomiting 1 1
12 throat burns ... talking makes it worse 1 1
13 deep barking cough 1 1
14 bruised lumbar disk 1 1
15 insect sting remedies for dogs 1 1
16 soreness in lower pelvic and inner thighs 1 1
17 swollen glands sore throat and hoarseness 1 2
18 sore throat on one side 1 4
19 how to roll and unconscious victim on their back - raise the arm 1 1
20 severe lower back pain soreness lying down 1 1
21 rubbing feeling in throat 1 1
22 bruises 1 24
23 sudden chest tightness dry cough 1 1
24 shooting pains in fingers 1 1