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Daily online publication features news and features about politics and social policy, focusing on state government. From The Pew Center on the States (PCS).

Keyword Results for
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1 ny state civil confinement law for sex offenders 2 3
2 alabama high school exit exams free help and tutoring 1 1
3 illegal immigration was a contentious issue at a governor's conference in the nation's capital. 1 1
4 pennsylvania war deaths 1 1
5 tn state capital legislature 1 1
6 state allows gay marriage 1 1
7 burns middle school 2006 fall schedule brandon fl 1 2
8 arguments against no child left behind 1 1
9 hawaii tough man competition kickboxing 1 1
10 north hopewell winterstown elementary school address 1 1
11 high school teacher salaries 1 1
12 how many states have the death penalty 1 1
13 states that allow capital punishment of juveniles 1 1
14 domestic partnership washington state 1 1
15 welfare stats minnesota 1 1
16 gay marriage 1 49
17 state line 1 17
18 stateline garbage 1 1
19 dr steven gleason 1 1
20 child abandonment in north carolina 1 1
21 retiring to louisiana 1 1
22 bush education budget cuts 1 1
23 gay rights 1 16
24 illegal immigrants 1 48
25 www.stateline.org 1 1
26 same sex marriage state 1 1
27 state of louisiana gov. policy 1 1
28 california legislative term limits 1 2
29 toughman competitions indiana 1 1
30 indiana toll road revenues 1 1
31 most popular states for baby boomers to retire in 2006 1 1
32 legislation at the state gay marriages 1 1
33 ohio ex felon housing laws 2006 1 1
34 worst flood in minnesota history 1 1
35 missouri braces for baby boomer retirement growth rate 1 1
36 states that have banned abortion 1 1
37 california minimum wage hike 1 1
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39 states that allow the death penalty 1 1
40 anti illegal immigrants 1 2
41 age limit for operators of snowmobiles in toledo ohio 1 1
42 david roberti termed out 1 1
43 reform high school 1 1
44 nclb law in texas 1 1
45 sc state law on purchasing cold medications containing sudafed 1 2
46 ohio drinking laws 1 1
47 gays legislation at state 1 1
48 states recognizing gay marriages 1 1
49 improved school security following columbine 1 1
50 help for ex-cons in detroit michigan 1 1
51 clarion ledger jane perdue mississippi 1 1
52 laws that ban gay marriage 1 1
53 budget cuts for the arts 1 2
54 roy barnes state of the state speech 1 1
55 immigration boycott in ky. 1 1