Swanton Local School District
Home of Bulldog Country. Includes information about the district, administration, calendar and links to schools.

Queries for www.swanton.k12.oh.us

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swanton entered by user 2412907
swanton high school entered by user 17383303
swanton home page entered by user 2150062
swanton local school home page entered by user ditto
swanton local school home page entered by user ditto
swanton local school home page entered by user ditto
swanton local school home page entered by user ditto
swanton local school home page entered by user ditto
swanton local schools entered by user ditto
swanton ohio high school entered by user 17383303
swanton ohio high school entered by user ditto
swanton ohio high school entered by user ditto
swanton ohio high school entered by user ditto
swanton ohio high school entered by user ditto
swanton ohio high school entered by user ditto
swanton ohio high school entered by user ditto
swanton ohio high school entered by user ditto
swanton ohio middle school entered by user ditto
swanton school district entered by user 379510
www.swanton.k12.us entered by user 5167225