The Liz Library
Articles, editorials, and research links on women's rights. Includes sections on women's history, women and religion, women and the law, the father's rights movement, the suffrage movement, and related material.

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i got an order to protect my children now they are witnessing their father abuse his new girlfriend entered by user 5342598
is it best for child development that child remains more with mother than father child bond first three years entered by user 1791793
is it best for child development that child remains more with mother than father child bond first three years entered by user ditto
is it best for child development that child remains more with mother than father child bond first three years entered by user ditto
joint custody entered by user 12423334
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parental alienation syndrome foundation of america entered by user 1163453
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seperation anxiety and overnight child custody visitations entered by user 1178324
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sole custody entered by user ditto
what is a primary caregiver entered by user 402227
why fathers abandon their children entered by user 348644
women's suffrage in us entered by user 11112937