Vereinte Nationen in Wien
Informationen über die in Wien ansässigen UN-Organisationen. In "Meilensteine der Vereinten Nationen" werden die wichtigsten historischen Daten in der UN-Geschichte aufgelistet.

Queries for

Query User
crimes about people entered by user 3940727
mark malloch-brown entered by user 6955312
problem of racism entered by user 13427054
problem of racism entered by user ditto
values and norms of a probation officer entered by user 5708655
vanuatu during the cold war entered by user 3173804
what is the problem with racism entered by user 13427054
what is the problem with racism entered by user ditto
what is the problem with racism entered by user ditto
what is the problem with racism entered by user ditto
united nations disarmament yearbook entered by user 3405054