Parkinson's Unity Walk
Annual event in New York City's Central Park, to increase awareness of PD and to raise funds for research. Register online to participate or support a walker.

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n y c central park walk for parkinson micheal j. fox entered by user 8271413
n y c central park walk for parkinson micheal j. fox entered by user ditto
n y c central park walk for parkinson micheal j. fox entered by user ditto
parkinson unity walk entered by user 1899470
parkinson's unity walk entered by user 3453671
parkinson's unity walk entered by user 1935981
parkinson's walk entered by user 19668138
parkinsons unity walk entered by user 3453671
parkinsons unity walk entered by user ditto
unity walk entered by user 19668138 entered by user 8757269 entered by user 7694467 entered by user 1935981
www.unitywalk entered by user 556851 entered by user ditto