a midsummer night's dream


Near the end of this play, Theseus says, "Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time"

Trivia about a midsummer night's dream

  • Cobweb is a fairy, not a spider, in this comedy
  • Puck says, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" in this comedy
  • "The Donkey Show" turns this "dream"y Shakespeare play into "The Ultimate '70s Disco Experience"
  • In the 1999 movie version of this Shakespeare play, Rupert Everett & Michelle Pfeiffer are the king & queen of fairies
  • The humans in this play inspire Puck to say, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
  • Puck's last speech in this play begins, "If we shadows have offended, think but this--and all is mended"
  • "My Oberon! What visions have I seen! Methought I was enamoured of an ass" can be heard in this play
  • "Give me your hands if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends"
  • In this play Titania, queen of the fairies, becomes enamored of Bottom, the weaver
  • The "'s" comes after the 3rd word, not the 2nd, in the title of this Shakespeare play featuring Hermia
  • Bottom arrives, prepared to lead Quince, Flute & Snout on stage
  • James Cagney played Bottom & Mickey Rooney was Puck in a 1935 adaptation of this Shakespeare comedy
  • Of all Shakespeare's plays, this one has the most fairies
  • Peter Brook's unusual 1970 production of this comedy featured Oberon & Puck on trapezes
  • This happy play is set in Athens & a nearby wood where fairies cast their spells
  • Fairies in this play include Cobweb, Peaseblossom & Mustardseed
  • If the original play is too long for you, you might like "The Dream", a 1-act ballet based on this Shakespeare play
  • In it, Puck comments: "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
  • Pursued by Demetrius & Helena, Hermia & Lysander elope to a wood near Athens in this comedy
  • Theseus: "Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on apace"
  • Helena & Hermia are characters in "The Dream", a ballet based on this Shakespearean play
  • In this play, Nick Bottom, a weaver, performs the tragic role of Pyramus, opposite Flute's Thisby
  • Get to the Bottom of this Shakespeare play, published in 1600
  • Comedy which features the wedding of Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons
  • Mickey Rooney said he'd "never read Shakespeare before or since" he played Puck in a film version of this comedy
  • Balanchine wrote that he played an elf in this Shakespeare play long before creating a 1962 ballet based on it
  • Queen of the Amazons Hippolyta & Queen of the Fairies Titania
  • This "seasonal" play says that "the course of true love never did run smooth"
  • The Max Factor make-up inspired by this 1999 Shakespeare film features colors like Cob Web & Mustard Seed
  • Don't make an ass of yourself at "The Donkey Show" -- an interactive disco version of this "seasonal" Shakespeare saga
  • "The Dream", based on this Shakespeare play, omits the characters of Hippolyta & Theseus
  • "Now fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on apace..."
  • "I am that merry wanderer of the night, I jest to Oberon, and make him smile"
  • Wearing just a few small leaves, Judi Dench leaves nothing to the imagination as Titania in this 1968 film
  • Titania really hit bottom when she hit on Bottom in this Shakespeare comedy
  • In this comedy, Hippolyta the Queen of the Amazons in betrothed to Theseus the Duke of Athens
  • An enchanting work:"The Faery Queen"
  • Balanchine's first original full-length ballet was an adaptation of this "dreamy" Shakespeare play
  • To start this play, Theseus says, "Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on apace"
  • 2 of the "Rude Mechanicals" from this play are Tom Snout the Tinker & Nick Bottom the Weaver
  • Actors at Peter Quince's house go over "Pyramus & Thisbe" for Hippolyta & Theseus' wedding in this play
  • Cobweb, Moth, Mustardseed... dost thou revel in the fairies' names in this play? Methinks 'twill play in Peoria!
  • Presented in 1692, "The Fairy Queen" by Purcell was the first opera based on this Shakespeare play
  • Since the prom was June 23, the queen picked this Shakespearean fairy tale as the theme
  • In this fairy tale, Snug doesn't get the lion's share of lines, but he does get the lion's lines
  • Lysander uses the word "bedroom" while trying to convince Hermia to sleep close to him in this comic play
  • This play ends with, "goodnight unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends"
  • A popular wedding march comes from music Mendelssohn wrote for this magical Shakespeare play
  • Comedy in which Lysander says, "The course of true love never did run smooth"

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