adrien brody


Arien Brody (born April 14, 1973) is an American actor. He received widespread recognition when he was cast as the lead in Roman Polanski's The Pianist (2002). The role won him an Academy Award for Best Actor, the youngest actor ever to win the award, and a César Award for Best Actor, the only American actor to win one.

Trivia about adrien brody

  • When this man won, Richard Dreyfuss said goodbye to being the youngest ever to win the Best Actor Oscar
  • 2002:"The Pianist"
  • 2002:As Wladyslaw Szpilman
  • 2002:Polish musician Wladyslaw Szpilman
  • Youngest Best Actor winner:This 29-year-old in 2003 for a WWII-set film

Tweets about adrien brody

  • RT @indiewire: Saban Films acquires AMERICAN HEIST starring Hayden Christensen & Adrien Brody:
  • Fall weather has arrived, and the season's TV slate has already begun
  • RT @HistoryLA: #Adrien Brody, ganador del #Oscar, es #Houdini. Ven a ver cómo se preparó el actor: #Escapate
  • Adrien Brody's nose
  • @nelsonsfrigate ааааааААААААААААААААААА
  • Uma série na qual Adrien Brody faz o Houduni é no mínimo curiosa.
  • RT @Follow_AB_on_IG: Adrien Brody with a pile of women in a selfie taken in Vladivostok Russia last weekend. From h…
  • El estilo de Adrien Brody
  • Adrien Brody como Houdini es lo mejor que le ha pasado a la televisión.
  • broder, quiero ver houdini just bc adrien brody
  • Adrien Brody with a pile of women in a selfie taken in Vladivostok Russia last weekend. From
  • Crying because Adrien Brody
  • Sinon je suis content. Pas cours vendredi = table ronde avec Adrien Brody & Moran Atias pour #ThirdPerson. Critique.
  • RT @vistelacalle: El estilo de Adrien Brody
  • El estilo de Adrien Brody
  • Wola, soy Adrien Brody sin una picota exagerada. (Y más guapo)
  • @BillCorbett Adrien Brody's Nose to the rescue!!
  • #Adrien Brody, ganador del #Oscar, es #Houdini. Ven a ver cómo se preparó el actor: #Escapate
  • Looking forward to seeing Adrien Brody's depiction of the Legendary #Houdini tonight!
  • 'Houdini,' TV review - History’s “Houdini” could use a little more magic, but thanks to Adrien Brody, this...
  • @rpatrick04 Is that the one with Adrien Brody?
  • Houdini is going is going to be A* because Adrien Brody is god
  • @PepPrieto defensor de Dwayne Johnson i detractor de Adrien Brody... em trenques els esquemes xD
  • RT @IAmAdrianHall: Looking forward to watching Adrien Brody as #Houdini tonight at 9 on @Channel4.
  • Looking forward to watching Adrien Brody as #Houdini tonight at 9 on @Channel4.
  • @loopymisfit Adrien Brody seems to fit the part well
  • Did anybody see Adrien Brody's goofy hair in Houdini last night? Fabulous.
  • Adrien Brody's Houdini is so good 😄
  • What to Watch on Monday: Adrien Brody’s &#x2018 #adrienbrody #berlin #patrickduffy
  • Something really attractive about Adrien Brody
  • Bill Murray, Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody star in a film where every frame is symmetrical. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly #everywesandersonfilm
  • Adrien Brody's acceptance speech for his Academy Award for Best Actor for his work in The Pianist is the best I've ever seen.
  • RT @digiguide: Today's top pick is the excellent Houdini starring Adrien Brody on @Channel4
  • Is Adrien Brody even real though ??
  • RT @DallasTXFanGirl: now watching #HOUDINI on the history channel. Actually really good! Adrien Brody is actually really convincing