


Trivia about africa

  • The land closest to zero longitude, zero latitude & zero altitude, Cape Three Points is found on this continent
  • Of the 7, this continent has the greatest number of independent countries
  • Of the 5 continents symbolized by Olympic rings, only one never to hold Games
  • The only place where 4 countries meet at one point is found on this continent
  • Nearly 90% of all malaria cases occur on this continent
  • From trips there around 1910 to get animals to stuff, Carl Akeley felt this continent's wildlife was doomed
  • Mount Cameroon
  • Odds are that if you're a grazing antelope this continent is home to you
  • Kwame Nkrumah, later a pioneer of independence for this continent's colonies, went to Pennsylvania's Lincoln University
  • The Bantu migration from modern Cameroon to the south of this continent began about 2,000 years ago
  • Continent on which the highest recorded air temperature, 136 degrees F., was recorded
  • To feel an earthquake shake Djibouti, you have to be on this continent
  • Continent that's home to the smallest & tallest tribes
  • In 2004 Pitt alumna Wangari Maathai became the first woman from this continent to win the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Cape Agulhas near the Cape of Good Hope is this continent's southernmost point
  • Hottest temperature ever recorded was on this "dark" continent
  • Less than 5,000 square miles in area, The Gambia is the smallest independent mainland country on this continent
  • The Suez Canal is generally considered Asia's border with this continent
  • The largest mammal herds ever recorded were of springboks, migrating across this continent in the 19th century
  • The Efik people of this continent are closely related to the Ibibio
  • Jungala is the newest land at the Busch Gardens park inspired by this continent
  • Mom & Dad found romance under the mosquito nets as volunteers in Niger on this continent
  • From the Arabic for "50", the Khamsin can blow for 50 days across the north of this continent
  • ...with the most countries
  • In 1912, in the aftermath of the "scramble for" this continent, Britain & France controlled most of it
  • Continent where you'd find the shrews Crocidura nigeriae & Crocidura tansaniana
  • 2 of the more than 800 languages spoken on this continent are Kimbundu & Kikuyu
  • The Kilimanjaro Safari's Ride, seen here, is the main attraction in this area named for this continent
  • Known for its mimicry, one of the most popular parrots is the gray from this continent
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro
  • The president is seen here early in a 1998 six-nation tour of this continent
  • The world's largest desert fills nearly all of this continent's northern part
  • This continent's Mali empire reached its apogee under Mansa Musa in the 14th century
  • Listen, you white-bellied bustard, I know where you live-- this continent's savanna
  • Hippo, in the north of this continent, was the diocesan seat of St. Augustine
  • Winston Churchill's first House of Commons speech was about this continent in the aftermath of the Boer War
  • ...Where arboreal hominids called dryopiths lived 16 million years ago
  • If you search your atlas for the Atlas Mountains, you'll find them on a map of this continent
  • Continent that's home to the eland, the largest of the antelopes
  • The highest temperature ever recorded on earth was 136° F. at Al-Aziziyah on this continent
  • Of the 7 continents
  • It's the continent where you'll find the countries of Mauritania, Equatorial Guinea & Zambia
  • Delacroix' tour of this continent in the 1830s resulted in painting like "Fanatics of Tangier"
  • The hartebeest, a large antelope, is native to this continent
  • Around 600 B.C. some Phoenicians claimed to have sailed around this continent, 2,000 years before the Portuguese
  • Isak Dinesen's life on a coffee plantation:"Out of" here
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew) Venice is sinking because Italy is actually part of this continent's plate & it's sliding under Europe's plate
  • The so-called click languages, such as Hottentot, are native to this continent
  • The jackass, possibly the Somali variety, was domesticated on this continent about 6,000 years ago
  • As a child, Joseph Conrad pointed to the center of this continent on a map & said, "I shall go there"
  • The fellow seen here is native to this continent
  • With over 50 independent countries, this continent has more than any other
  • Lake Assal in Djibouti is this continent's lowest point at about 500 feet below sea level
  • Nubian,Namib
  • Sao Tome & Principe
  • The only known source of a gemstone called tanzanite was discovered in 1967 on this continent
  • The Atlantic & Indian Oceans are separated by a line from Antarctica to Cape Agulhas on this continent
  • Most commercial ivory still comes from this continent
  • It's the continent with the second-largest population
  • Continent with the most square miles of dry desert
  • This continent has the longest freshwater lake, 420 miles, in the world
  • Ahmadu Seku, who died in 1898, was the second & last ruler of this continent's Tukulor Empire
  • Though specimens still exist in zoos, the Barbary lion, native to the north of this continent, is extinct in the wild
  • Twi, Ga, Fang, & Bubi are languages spoken on this continent
  • It's the warmest continent
  • Located on this continent, the Kanem-Bornu Empire lasted a thousand years by being a center of trade
  • In 1996 Fatuma Roba became the first woman from this continent to win an Olympic marathon
  • Per a rule in place since 1996, you can't donate if you've lived since 1977 in certain countries on this continent
  • The Atlas Mountains
  • Dahomey on this continent got its name when a king built his palace on the grave of his defeated enemy named Dan
  • Pages 11-17 of the 2009 online G8 agenda deal with the development & peace support of this continent
  • The embodiment of the 20th c. mercenary, Michael "Mad Mike" Hoare fought wars on this continent from the '60s-'80s
  • Sierra Leone,Senegal
  • Of the 7 continents, it's the one divided halfway up by the equator
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the set of The Lion King.) Many of the costumes and sets in "The Lion King" were inspired by the art of this continent, where the show is set
  • Rif is a Berber language spoken mainly in the northern part of this continent
  • In 1964, a country on this continent abandoned the pound & introduced the leone
  • The black-footed penguin is native to the south of this continent, whose north had the highest temperature on record
  • If you've been to Benin, you've been to a country on this continent
  • Bellow's favorite of his own novels, "Henderson the Rain King", tells of an American's adventures on this continent
  • Welwitschia mirabilis, a plant of this continent's Namib Desert, gets water no one knows how
  • In 2000 Rift Valley fever scared WHO by making its first appearance outside this continent
  • The Khosian languages of this continent are noted for their clicking sounds
  • An advocacy group looking to eradicate poverty; it's called DATA, short for Debt, AIDS, Trade, this place
  • The Limpopo River
  • Nyiragongo,Fogo
  • The name of Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of this continent, is Portuguese for "needles"
  • This continent, for the species Trichechus senegalensis
  • In 1974 the newly discovered gem tsavorite got its name, derived from this continent's Tsavo National Park
  • "Aida "
  • "The Plague" by Camus
  • 512 feet below sea level, Lake Assal
  • Señor Garcia's geography test included Cabo de Buena Esperanza, which is on this continent
  • The equator stretches across more land mass on this continent than any other