

on the European continent  (white)  —  [Legen]

Trivia about albania

  • Among countries entirely within Europe, this nation has the highest percentage of Muslims
  • Things are still unstable in this country that received over 440,000 Kosovar refugees in 1999
  • Montenegro is on this country's northern border & Greece is on its southern one
  • The two main ethnic groups in this mountainous country on the Adriatic are the Ghegs & the Tosks
  • Zog I
  • Slightly larger than Maryland, this nation is located on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea
  • If Italy's boot kicked backwards, it would hit this country whose capital is Tirane
  • Ottoman commander B. Suleiman Pasha founded Tirana, this country's capital
  • The language of this small Balkan country has 2 main dialects: Gheg & Tosk
  • Alphabetically, it's first among the Balkan countries
  • 1990s premiers of this small, isolated Balkan nation included Fatos Nano & Ylli Bufi
  • Tirane
  • Citizens of this mountainous nation of the Balkans refer to it as Shqiperia or "Land of the Eagles"
  • A nation on the Adriatic:Tirana
  • After serving as president for 3 years, Zog I was proclaimed king of this country
  • The name Zog is not as much in vogue as it once was, when King Zog I ruled this European country
  • On April 27, 1938 Countess Geraldine Apponyi of Hungary married King Zog of this country
  • Only predominanty Muslim country entirely in Europe
  • Geraldine Apponyi, the 1st woman of American descent to become a queen, married King Zog I of this country in 1938
  • Once part of the Roman Empire, this nation was part of the Ottoman Empire for 400 years
  • ...among the Balkan states
  • In 1927 the 2nd Treaty of Tirana established a 20-year defensive alliance between Italy & this country
  • Enver Hoxha ruled this Balkan country from 1944 until his death in 1985
  • ...of the independent countries in Europe
  • Skanderbeg Square in Tirane is named for this country's national hero
  • This country celebrates Mother Teresa day to mark the beatification of its favorite daughter
  • This mountainous Balkan country tops out at 9,000-foot Mount Korab
  • It's about 50 miles across the Adriatic Sea from Italy to this country on the Balkan Peninsula