

Ambiguity is the property of being ambiguous, where a wor, term, notation, sign, symbol, phrase, sentence, or any other form used for communication, is called ambiguous if it can be interpreted in more than one way. Ambiguity is distinct from vagueness, which arises when the boundaries of meaning are indistinct. Ambiguity is context-dependent: the same communication may be ambiguous in one context and unambiguous in another context. For a word, ambiguity typically refers to an unclear choice between different definitions as may be found in a dictionary. A sentence may be ambiguous due to different ways of parsing the same sequence of words.

Trivia about ambiguous

  • This word for sentences like "You've grown another foot" comes from Latin for "to go around"

Tweets about ambiguous

  • RT @nothembaujx: UJX chatting to Afrika Mkhize of the Rainmakers and played - Ambiguous - on @METROFMSA
  • Jeg likte en @YouTube-video fra @mogche – [FULL HD] 140718 Mr. Ambiguous - MAMAMOO
  • I just saw a lady hit their kid. I wish god would hit her. Same principle.
  • @ChristineN_ Then do something less ambiguous like a normal person 😂😂😂
  • Memories are ambiguous… Old ones can be replaced with new ones, creating a new reality.
  • UJX chatting to Afrika Mkhize of the Rainmakers and played - Ambiguous - on @METROFMSA
  • Okay I give up. Today sucks, next day please
  • 2/2 Real figure is 10%. IDS said 71% get indefinite awards; reality is 24%. DWP now calls its own claims "ambiguous"
  • In both cases 1 group was clearly identified thru a reference - "gurudwara" in saharanpur , "langar" in amarnath "other group" is ambiguous
  • 定義、して
  • ぬるぬるの角のあの部分がツンツンしてる。 #ぬるぬるからの予測変換の荒ぶりようをみてみた つっこみたいところが3つほどあるのだが…
  • Yuno's personality is an ambiguous one, for the most part she is a sweet, feminine and sometimes shy girl when around Yukiteru Amano.
  • @nclandoe me as in you do that too? Or me as in you're racially ambiguous. Cuz I still don't know what race you are 😂😂
  • RT @spreadthisw0rd: Delphic ~ Deliberately obscure or ambiguous  Chaos ~complete disorder and confusion #wordonthestreetis
  • Delphic ~ Deliberately obscure or ambiguous  Chaos ~complete disorder and confusion #wordonthestreetis
  • Can we just stop to admire the damn subtle set up of Triles all season It was so ambiguous
  • Our_frist_time our frist time .Very ambiguous, very loving a song, very much. Feel very comfortable whenever I hear it oh. I like it
  • I have a hard time refraining from staring at racially ambiguous strangers
  • Gravity - GARNiDELiA(Album:ambiguous) みさるん評価80 再生回数9 #みさるんなうぷれ @3rn_
  • @BurningGaem look who's in thus video lol MAMAMOO - (Mr.Ambiguous) MV:
  • Being ethnically ambiguous is so fashionable right now. People really go crazy... You need to calm down.
  • ambiguous −GARNiDELiA #nowplaying
  • RT @WereThe90sKids: Tommy remains the real MVP for this one