anecdotal evidence


The expression anecotal evidence has two quite distinct meanings.

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Tweets about anecdotal evidence

  • @StingerNLG @AnnoyedGamer also, anecdotal evidence is not proof of success. My buddy is saving thousands a year. Means nothing.
  • Defects vs. programming languages. #clojure does well. Confirms my anecdotal evidence.
  • This means that between 41-43 SB residents will die in this city every year. Anecdotal evidence suggests a majority of these folks are black
  • @twobuckchuck27 this is still anecdotal evidence dude.
  • @twobuckchuck27 ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE IS IRRELEVANT. Do you not understand what that means?
  • @twobuckchuck27 @KenzyPear my mom makes hella racks, especially compared to my dad, but anecdotal evidence isn't evidence!
  • @MegfromCT you're applying personal experience on a large scale; the fallacy of anecdotal evidence.
  • Depending on whose anecdotal evidence you believe I guess.
  • @thatspleasemaam But it hasn't been the same for everyone. Anecdotal evidence doesn't prove there's a problem
  • @thatspleasemaam That's anecdotal evidence, which I can not accept, since then I am allowed to use MY anecdotes to disprove it.
  • My guess (and hope) is that despite the anecdotal evidence from before the election, this will pretty much look like a midterm. @PaulBegala
  • @JustinKatzRI Don't forget - you also had anecdotal evidence that #concon was a popular idea.
  • RT @jonathankappler: despite a lot of anecdotal evidence of high turnout in NC, it's not looking like there will be a huge increase over 20…
  • It's just anecdotal evidence, but it appears voter turnout was actually pretty good in Philly so far today #PHLVotes
  • Anecdotal evidence shows more people are joining Isis. I talk to people everywhere, they point to people joining Isis increasingly recently.
  • According to anecdotal evidence presented by pro-life groups Created Equal and Survivors of the Abor
  • RT @James_Vaccaro: Ok I know we should avoid anecdotal evidence, but it's hotter than Athens right now in #Bristol. @biggre…
  • From anecdotal evidence I've collected from the web, today, every man woman & child on Earth will consume over 790 pumpkin spice lattes each
  • Ok I know we should avoid anecdotal evidence, but it's hotter than Athens right now in #Bristol. @biggreenweek @powellds
  • @athenahollow Most of these articles are based either on anecdotal evidence or agenda-driven studies. I trust pewinternet's results more.
  • Slouching from infanticide to ‘toddlercide’: According to anecdotal evidence presented by pro-life gr... #mcgnews
  • Lack of data and statistics regarding ice use in Tasmania makes trends and anecdotal evidence more important: Waterman #breakingtheice
  • @Pollytics in "LibWorld" if anecdotal data is sufficient to refute climate science,why shouldn't anecdotal evidence be admissible in court?
  • @SherwoodStrauss Spurs? Anecdotal evidence?
  • @JacobPadilla_ @mclgsw @Patrick_Fenelon @SnottieDrippen Anecdotal evidence...
  • @OnePoundOne It's the only piece of non-anecdotal evidence you've actually put forth for anything. I took it as evidence of your stupidity.
  • Anecdotal evidence. No such thing. #grrr
  • @enantiomorph @KazuukHadoken Lol, anecdotal evidence only gets you so far. lol.
  • @Thomasismyuncle @RobProvince one day youll learn anecdotal evidence is not evidence. neither i nor anyone i know has been to the moon, but
  • @cl2eep this superfluous perception of yours based on anecdotal evidence to a large, diverse consumer revolt.
  • @Izz145 @UnseenPerfidy Personally, backed by nothing but anecdotal evidence, I think with popular figures it's more a cult mentality. In
  • RT @jerrykuch: OH: Wow, if you're going to cite "anecdotal evidence" it's helpful to have "plenty" of it! A bit more and maybe it can aspir…
  • OH: Wow, if you're going to cite "anecdotal evidence" it's helpful to have "plenty" of it! A bit more and maybe it can aspire to data.
  • @DorsetRachel @DedicatedPeeler Anecdotal evidence is evidence of only anecdote. #BBCQT
  • @LeoKavanagh In fairness there has been a lot of anecdotal evidence floating about the media detrimental to the image of the hard working
  • @sama anecdotal evidence? Look all these failures — except one win can net many orders of magnitude in return. Failure doesn’t matter.
  • @Chef_QP @MPRnews anecdotal evidence. Did the blacks have priors? Nuance my friend, nuance
  • Verified by Anecdotal evidence =======>
  • @EgoSumLetum It's not anecdotal evidence though. It's straight up, the denotative definition of feminism.
  • @Slaix223 All opinions are based on anecdotal evidence in some respect, and as such are arguably logically faulty.
  • @Slaix223 Just because your anecdotal evidence with feminism has been that it's about equality doesn't mean theirs has.
  • @leftsidest0ry @WayneJBurrows @kateinthebay not at all. anecdotal evidence can only support more general evidence.
  • So LRTs, lots of people heard of/knew about Ghomeshi's actions toward women, but had no specific anecdotal evidence. #ghomeshigate
  • Look, all I'm saying is that there's anecdotal evidence that the existence of the State Farm Highway Patrol creates perverse incentives, OK?
  • @sineadrousse @TheFreedomFan So you prefer localized anecdotal evidence over empirical studies from DOE?
  • @sbaickerCSN @KellyDaBunny @FanSince09 @EwanPalmer why try to undermine the point of the article based solely upon anecdotal evidence. hmm.
  • Anecdotal evidence I know
  • @WayneJBurrows @kateinthebay anecdotal evidence, narrowing the big picture down so it fits into your tiny world, rather than looking at the
  • @DostoevskyShade maybe. do you have anything other than anecdotal evidence?
  • I believe it. sadly, anecdotal evidence is not applicable to general populace. *smokes a tootsie roll* @GlomarResponder @Jackie0351