

Anthropology (/ˌænθɹəˈpɒləʒi/, from Greek: ἄνθρωπος, anthropos, "human being"; and λόγος, logos, "reason" or "speech," lit. to talk about human beings) is the study of humanity. Anthropology has origins in the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences.Ethnography is both one of its primary methods and the text that is written as a result of the practice of anthropology and its elements.

Trivia about anthropology

  • In 1929 Margaret Mead was awarded a Ph.D. in this field
  • This study of man is divided into several branches including physical & cultural
  • "Human Variation" is a course in this department at NYU
  • Physical & cultural are 2 of the main branches of this study of mankind
  • Margaret Mead & Ruth Fulton Benedict's field
  • Franz Boas & Margaret Mead were experts in this field
  • Totem poles & Noh masks are at the Pitt Rivers Museum, given on condition that Oxford hire a lecturer on this -ology
  • Bronislaw Malinowski was a leader in the cultural branch of this study, from Greek for "human being"
  • Margaret Mead, who studied how culture affects human behavior, had a Ph.D. in this, from Columbia University