

There are 10 families:

Trivia about aphids

  • These insects also known as plant lice are captured & "milked" by many ants for the honeydew liquid they produce
  • Also known as plant lice, these garden pests secrete a "honeydew" that ants eat
  • Some ants herd these small insects of the order Hemiptera for the sweet excretions they produce
  • Also known as plant lice, these insects are captured by some ants for the sweet liquid they produce
  • Planting spearmint or peppermint near your roses will deter these pests also called greenflies

Tweets about aphids

  • Yes, aphids infest #threewords #poem
  • RT @earthFgardener: Big, fat & utterly fabulous #aphids living on sappy shoots of my coppiced #willows. Move over #alien.
  • Organic pest and disease controls for your garden
  • Big, fat & utterly fabulous #aphids living on sappy shoots of my coppiced #willows. Move over #alien.
  • EW APHIDS!!!
  • @jimcramer do you ever get aphids? Your garden is almost as amazing as your show. #booyah
  • RT @BigBudsMag: Hot Weather Hurts #Marijuana Unless… →
  • Hot Weather Hurts #Marijuana Unless… →
  • @Mr_Restorer nope - not even aphids - I think it's the Agrochem fanatic on the farm next door :((
  • @jessoppine we've loads of aphids your welcome to.
  • @simonjacktoday Ours has done the same. Possibly soil too dry and sunny, and also aphids.
  • BOTRYTIS-INDUCED KINASE1 Modulates Arabidopsis Resistance to Green Peach Aphids via PHYTOALEXIN DEFI... | @scoopit
  • This picture describes the graphic detail of plant Leaves diseases: White flies Aphids
  • @gustabani u eat them they give u some protein and .....they feed on aphids which make them benificial esp for us.
  • I've not had much in the way of aphids this year in the Digwell Garden - have you? The ladybirds have been busy!
  • Why do aphids exist, besides to hover annoyingly and possibly get in your food??
  • Pest Fighting Flowers Petunias Petunias can repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, aphids, tomato hornworms, and others.
  • Aphids on Roses: Natural & Easy Control Methods #gardeningadvice
  • Ladybugs eat Aphids! - Bubblews via @GoBubblews
  • Not all green bugs are #lygus nymphs. These are #aphids, taking a feast on canola.
  • Finding more #aphids sweeping in #fababeans than #lygus.
  • RT @OnePlantOneCURE: Pesky little aphids.. Thyme oil and Pyrethrins are effective organic treatments, & lady bugs of course #pestcontrol ht…
  • I'm committed to growing my own organic tomatoes, but aphids are my nemesis! Do your thing little…
  • Behold! My army of justice!!! #ladybugs #aphids #gardening #sfv #organic #vegetables #
  • No, but I definitely feel like the inmates are running the asylum. RT "@Ants_And_Aphids: @SlickTuo So you work in a special care home?"
  • @SlickTuo So you work in a special care home?
  • @AAmmeter @Wally_53 @ABbugcounter and remember to check near by plants for aphids or other insects that produce honey dew. #antfood
  • Aphids are born pregnant
  • RT @beehavenbadly: Oh aphids on the calendula, been fighting this all season. Waiting for the beneficials. #gardening #organic #flowers htt…
  • Your days are numbered, #aphids. #gardening #sfv #organic #backyard #vegetables @ Green Arrow Nurseries
  • Oh aphids on the calendula, been fighting this all season. Waiting for the beneficials. #gardening #organic #flowers
  • [ Garden & Landscape ] Open Question : Wooly Aphids on Apple tree?
  • @MobergFarms Very nice! We need rain now. Soybean Aphids are just starting to show up.
  • The heart sick feeling you get when one of your #plant babies has #aphids #jade @ The Treehouse at 981…
  • Aphids can be a problem if you're growing greens .Here are some great biocontrols to help you out: #pestcontrol
  • "Covered in aphids"- not a descriptor I expected from you, Friday. #aphidFriday #picnicperil
  • My green-bean-picking buddy - he loves him some aphids! #b(f)ff, #gardenfriends #frogsasfriends
  • Soybean Aphids spotted Ottertail/Grant Co. Line
  • Another field is sugarcane aphids estimated 12,000 + acres in Phillips county sprayed
  • Aphids. Who knew?
  • 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Aphids via @sharethis
  • @KatieOnViolin yeah, I'm glad the aphids haven't been bad for me this year. I highly recommend golden gate gardening FYI, best resource 🌱
  • @sirbeetee I’m learning more each day… Trying to keep it organic, using a tobacco spray on the aphids. Die!!! >.<
  • @KatieOnViolin different kinds of aphids go after different kinds of plants and those are probably cabbage-family aphids.