armored cars


Armore (or armoured) car can refer to:

Trivia about armored cars

  • In France a strike by drivers of these 2-word vehicles left many ATMs empty

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Tweets about armored cars

  • @GoCoinGo @TheRichDouche Y do u think there are armored cars that carry money. This is what caused the Great Depression in the US.
  • @AfraBlackpowa such as Mercedes, Lexus, Toyota, Cadillac, and BMW have created armored cars for civilian use
  • RT @6hxgurlca Hiding behind armor: In Latin America, the rich choose armored cars to shut #USMNT
  • RT @q7wmalfoys Hiding behind armor: In Latin America, the rich choose armored cars to shut #USMNT
  • #All #Venezuelans are #pampered by a #paved country. No #SpeedLimit. #Affluent #people driven #fast in #armored #cars.
  • Armored cars and tanks and guns came to take away our sons but every man must stand behind the men behind the wire
  • @liquoronhislips and armored cars to divide the crowd and they put my neighborhood which is a ghetto of albanians in lockdown
  • It is obvious that the US government is arming itself to fight the American people - armored cars for local police, drone surveillance
  • @DriverAppear @NASCAR Id rather watch armored cars rim riding shedding up the pavement
  • RT @awrmaste: Hiding behind armor: In Latin America, the rich choose armored cars to shut ...