

Arthralgia (from Greek arthro-, joint -algos, pain) literally means joint pain; it is a symptom of injury, infection, illnesses -- in particular arthritis-- or an allergic reaction to medication.

Tweets about arthralgia

  • Frequency of temporomandibular arthralgia among myofascial pain patients with pain on palpation of ipsilateral...
  • Arthralgia, Myalgia and every other algia happening...
  • RT @master_usmle: Acromegaly symptoms ABCDEF: Arthralgia/ Arthritis Blood pressure raised Carpal tunnel syndrome Diabetes Enlargemed organs…
  • Arthralgia... Prescribed me pain meds and wrote a Dr's note saying to go home the rest of the day.
  • arthralgia 관절통 : 관절이 아픈 상태
  • Acromegaly symptoms ABCDEF: Arthralgia/ Arthritis Blood pressure raised Carpal tunnel syndrome Diabetes Enlargemed organs Field defect