

Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people older than fifty-five years.

Tweets about arthritus

  • @DisabledDalek I'm a been away with a thing for young humans with arthritus. I just sat at the hotel bar for 3 days, was it too quiet?
  • RT @SaVaGe_2Fo: Lmaoooooo.."@CoolCalcium: @SaVaGe_2Fo the wwe vs the st Francis Arthritus team in an exhibition wrestling event tonight"
  • Lmaoooooo.."@CoolCalcium: @SaVaGe_2Fo the wwe vs the st Francis Arthritus team in an exhibition wrestling event tonight"
  • RT @CoolCalcium: @SaVaGe_2Fo the wwe vs the st Francis Arthritus team in an exhibition wrestling event tonight
  • @SaVaGe_2Fo the wwe vs the st Francis Arthritus team in an exhibition wrestling event tonight
  • YAYA seriously plays like he has arthritus or however its spelt
  • @DollHamble lm 60 had arthritus in both lnees right one worse since 1997 too young they said then i bent down at work and cartliage tore
  • @DeSun82 You scare everyone when you talk, though. :V but srs talking is annoying. Typing used to be easier but now I have arthritus T_T
  • @RobbiRenea Don't know. Reactive arthritus, rheumatic fever, or major bacteria infection in my joint. Yeah. Only have sun this wkend though
  • @AnnaDsays no idea. They are thinking reactive arthritus, rheumatic fever, or major bacteria infection in my joint. Pain is insane. Hope #1
  • @HisCarerClara I've a long standing illness well rheumatoid Arthritus (it cam it's all doctors and not the good kind! I know
  • i miss the days when i was little and sitting cross-legged didn't make me feel like a 50 year old woman with arthritus
  • @SageHillfarms the injections are holding off the surgery at this point-3discs are compromised causing impingement, exacerbated by arthritus
  • The Arthritus Cure by Theodosakis/Adderly/Fox 1997 Hb