


Trivia about aspirin

  • Bayer hailed the FDA's endorsement of this drug for use during a suspected heart attack
  • APHS, a chemical compound that won't irritate the stomach, was created as an alternative to this
  • Bayer says in 1897 Felix Hoffmann first synthesized this pain reliever used in low doses today to prevent heart attacks
  • In 1948 scientists at Bristol-Meyers "buffered" this medicine for the first time
  • An Internet site about this product from Bayer can be found at
  • Take one of these, C9H8O4, & call me in the morning
  • In 1853 Charles Gerhardt buffered salicylic acid, creating acetylsalicylic acid, later marketed as this
  • The active ingredients of a dose of Stanback headache powder are 32 mg of caffeine and 650 mg of this
  • A few almonds might help a headache; they contain salicylic acid, found in this drug synthesized in 1853
  • 81 milligrams is the standard children's dose of this popular pain-relieving drug made by Bayer